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Laura Duval

Artist / designer / metalsmith

The Japanese philosophy of Wabi Sabi is an aesthetic concept where beauty is seen in the imperfect and impermanent. Imperfection is embraced, and simplicity and honesty are not just a philosophy but rather a way of life.  Using this philosophy with regard to dining, the experience itself is a transient one, an occasion where the only evidence of such an act taking place are the memories that are shared and the emptiness of the vessels after dining.

My work was to become an expression of that concept, by creating a tangible object that would stimulate interaction. The unique designs are combined with functionality in its simplest form and are almost rudimentary in their creation. 

By creating vessels used for dining that entice the diners to pick up, to hold, to touch and to feel the texture and enjoy the balance of the object through its components and its colour pallet, is just as important as the experience of dining itself. 

Creating pieces that can be used every day and yet still create a sense of occasion is not just about aesthetics, but rather, it is the inherent qualities that the pieces possess. Using vessels made this way encourages interaction, and in turn, this stimulates conversation.


2016 -2020       MA Design (Jewellery and Metalwork). Sheffield Hallam University.

2014-2016        BA (Hons) 3D Contemporary Crafts. York College.

2014                 Certificate of Higher Education in Fine Arts. York St John University.

2013                 Access to HE Diploma (creative media, arts, and design). York College.

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